Monday, November 23, 2009

Driving Ms Reenie

Hows this for an awesome day...sleep in, picked up by your personal chauffeur, an italian dinner is awaiting your arrival home and then........ RED VELVET CHEEESECAKE from the Cheesecake factory is delivered for your dessert, oh yeah did I forget to mention chemo treatment #2 in he middle of all the festivities. Today Reenie our super hero had her second infusion of chemotherapy, the doctors and nurses feel she is doing pretty good as far as tolerating the poison. They have prescribed some more medicine to help with the side effects, that hopefully don't stay around like they did last week. The fluid that was drained from Reenie's abdomen last week came back clean (no organism seen) I hate when they see organism, there was a fear that infection had returned in the fluid. The one issue we have to be careful of is the fact that her white blood cells or count has plummeted, making her susceptible to picking up an unwanted infection. When her cycle is finished next Monday she will need to have Nupigen shots 4 consecutive days to bring the count up. Back to the real highlights of the day quite a few recognitions of gratitute...One of Reenie's personal drivers the generous Dave Massat, tonight's awesome dinner on behalf of the Keating family one of Reenie's cousins and the cheesecake well that was from the DEA my wonderful mother-in-law who gets around more than "runaround Sue" and she doesn't even drive but thats a story for another blog. Thanks again to all our friends and family keep the thoughts and prayers coming, Reenie is enjoying the comments and you are all involved in this fight with us and you are going to helps us WIN


  1. OK, two down and ? many more to go? Lets not think about that, one day at a time. You're like the little engine that could, I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW YOU CAN! Love you.

  2. Agreed one day at a time.Why do you think they call you the "reenie monster",your thougher than this beast!Love you

  3. mmm cheesecake....You are awesome we all love you.
    - Jake Hill

  4. Reenie---I'm Debbie's cousin from California. I know you have been sooooo good to Deb and helping her every step of the way on her journey. Now it's time to cheer you on!!! You are in my prayers and thoughts and I know that you were strong enough to successfully walk this journey WILL do it again!!! Focus on that huge light at the end of the tunnel---I hear there's more cheesecake there!!!! : ) You and Deb will each have your own cheesecake there!


  5. Hello my dear friend, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family. We both have so much to be grateful for. We are here with our families, it doesn't get any better than that. And let me just say one of our blessings today is that we are thankful for the gift of your friendship. So enjoy that turkey bird I will call you tomorrow. Love to all of you Debbie
