Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stable is good, we'll take stable

My updates have been scarce, far and few between, I guess I'll blame it on writers block. Now that I am a novelist, ok well composer, ok just a writer, I find I need a hook or something remarkable to write about, to get me motivated to sit down at the computer and start talking out loud. That remarkable something is Reenie, we haven't had much news lately so when anyone asks "how's Reenie" or what's new with Reen the word that I have thoughtfully come up with is "stable" creative huh. As I say stable I think to myself blah, that's such a bland non-descript word..stable..but when it comes to cancer and treatment stable is not bad. Stable means the tumor markers have not changed much in the last couple cycles, stable means the PET scan last month was good, cancer is still present but it has not spread. I keep holding out waiting to write that blog that states we are doing better than stable. I hope that my tardiness in writing blogs hasn't changed your attitude about our warrior, she still needs those prayers and well wishes. Reenie has been in treatment for 16 months, parts of three years, 68 infusion treatments (chemo and hydration) and upwards of 175 nupregen shots in her stomach. Needless to say Reenie is hurting, physically and emotionally, missing out on the things we take for granted, simple things. So as we deal with the deep freeze and long for spring, seeing our lawns ,baseball and babies think of our fighter, say a prayer and if you get a chance drop a line, we need to keep her spirits up and keep her fighting the good fight...she has a grandson coming this spring another of God's blessings and she will need her strength.
 Love to all


  1. Great Blog Daddy-o...Lil Mama bear looks so pretty in that picture!!! Love ya MOM!

  2. Love you Haas Family...Tom, you are doing such a wonderful job keeping all of your loved ones in touch with all that is happening. And Reenie, I think and pray for you always. You are stronger and more beautiful than you know. xoxo, Kelly Fitz

  3. Great pic Tom and Reen! We still think and pray for u every day. Keep fighting, and get excited for that beautiful grandson coming your way real soon! We love you and support u always.

    Eric and Candi

  4. Great pic Reen, and thanks for your hospitality (you too, Tom), It was a great visit. Keep up the good work! Love you. Denise
