Two weeks ago I took a blood test for insurance purposes at work, I received the results the next day and noticed there were a lot of red highlighted numbers (kinda like my grades in school RED marks...not good). I called my doctor to discuss the results and made an appointment the next day....well 3 blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy chaser and I have a Leukemia. The weird thing I really haven't flinched (maybe I should) I guess I immediately felt I can do this...I just hope I can do this with the grace that my wife does. I look at what she has been through, what she is going through ...I will be fine, with her as my inspiration and role model..I will be more than fine. The diagnosis I have is CML the best of all the "Ls" Chronic Myloid Leukemia, I will be able to take my chemo orally and expect little side effects, this is probably the most treatable leukemia, so as we look for the good news, treatable is our good news. With my issue being treatable and being hope full Renie's new drug is the answer we are looking forward to 2012. Love to all and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR......the Haas'