November 2009 Reenie was diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer, the news was devastating as you could imagine. She was considered cancer free for about 2 years and 5 months, but looking back it most likely came back sometime within those 5 months, so for a little more than 2 years Reenie put the monster to rest, a feat that our cancer ninja is DETERMINED to repeat. The chemo drug Xeloda which Reenie has been on for the last 3 months is giving us mixed reviews. The tumor markers have increased the last 2 months so last Friday our oncology team had Reenie under go a PET scan to get a better determination of how the cancer was reacting to the drug, here is where the mixed reviews come in, the cancer which had shown an increase in the lymph node and chest wall a month ago showed a slight decrease in activity and size (good news). The tumors in the skin area and abdomen showed a slight increase in activity and the changes on the skin were also visible (bad news). The side effects from this drug were starting to create serious problems also, toward the end of each weeks treatment Reenie would suffer so much pain in her hands and feet it would at times bring her to tears, I have seen her go through so much without a complaint so if it brought her to tears it had to be brutally painful. The fact that this medicine was causing so much discomfort and we were getting mixed results, well it became time for a change in our chemotherapy regimen.
The Wednesday after Thanksgiving Reenie will start a new chemo drug Gemzar, the fear as always with starting a new drug is how is the body going to react to a new poison. We are hopeful the side effects will be tolerable, but we do expect the white count to be an issue so it may mean back to getting the Nupragen shots each week to help fight infection and keep the white count level elevated. The trade off here will probably be now that Reenie is off Xeloda the pain and peeling in her hands and feet should subside but the Nupragen shots usually causes severe bone pain, but this is nothing our warrior can't handle. Reenie has had some emotional weeks as of late, the pain, the visual findings of skin tumors and the waiting for test results, and yet she still manages to help with watching Nate when babysitting duties call, take Koren to a movie because she couldn't disappoint a child, she amazes and fights every day to live a somewhat normal life, and never ever a "Why me" that is truly unbelievable. In fact she has the opposite of a "Why me" attitude, Reenie has accepted her badge of cancer, what I mean by this I will try to explain..... The last few weeks 2 woman very close to Reenie have had to under go some extensive testing, any time extra testing is needed its scary for all. When I was breaking the news to Reenie about a friend who was having some tests done Reenie broke down for her friend and sister in-law. Reenie's thoughts are now "Why them" not "Why me" Reenie wears the badge now so no one else has too, her feeling is "OK I have breast cancer that's enough for my family and friends"....She wears the badge for all of us
Keep the prayers and thoughts coming...Happy Thanksgiving ...we all have so much to be thankful for
We are blessed with wonderful family and freinds who are helping each day with this journey...thank you