Well the good news is our warrior has completed 3 of 6 chemo therapy cycles, she has managed to stay strong and determined to tame the beast again. The crummy news is that the fatigue and bone pain has continued which Reenie has been able to tolerate to a point. The addition of nerve pain in her hands has been at times debilitating making simple chores difficult and somewhat impossible. The doctors and physician assistants have been monitoring the pain and if it becomes intolerable they would scale back the doses of chemo. We don't want that, with the positive results from the last run of tumor markers, we really want to stay on this scheduled treatment. The coming week is a week of hydration and no chemo,time for our fighter to recover, just a little, than its back to anxiety ( a pet scan is scheduled for Thursday Feb 4th) and the second half of the chemo treatment starts Monday Feb 8th. We are looking toward the end of April as a completion date, can't come soon enough. We need to keep looking at all the positives, 1/2 way there, good tumor results, too cold to go out anyway. One thing that creeps into our house every so often is depression, that has been one of my biggest foes this time "keeping Reenie up". I would imagine that even with this &@*%%# weather, staying in the house for weeks at a time other than doctor appointments would get to most of us. So know that your short visits, cards, phone calls and text messages help her spirit. She may not answer, probably sleeping, she may not return a text, hands probably hurt, or may not answer the door, Lifetime movie on, but keep the encouraging words coming anyway. We have a long 3 months ahead, but we know that Reenie can do this, the weather will improve sometime during that period and soon we will be walking in the Beverly Mothers day walk and celebrating life for Reenie and Debbie. Reenie and our family send their love.